Inter-School Drama Competition on
Adi Sankara - Prizes Distributed

An Inter-school drama competition on Adi Sankara was held in Chennai. The winners of the competition received the prizes at a function held at Sri Sankara Matam, Kanchipuram in the benign presence of Their Holinesses on 22nd August 2010 at 1.00 pm. The programme commenced with prayer. The teams which won the prizes staged the plays in the presence of Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji and Pujyasri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji, which were witnessed by a large gathering of devotees. The participants who had won the outstanding individual performances awards enacted their roles and enthralled the audience. The prizes were distributed to the teams. Their Holinesses blessed all the participants and the accompanying teachers with prasadam.
Photos taken on the occasion:

Report on competition held at Chennai:

Mathruchaya Foundation, Chennai as a first step towards creating awareness on lives and teachings of Great Spiritual teachers amongst youngsters, with the blessings from Pujyasri Shankaracharya Swamijis of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, conducted a drama competition on the life and works of Adi Sankara who has done yeomen service to humanity in uplifting the spiritual and moral fibre of people and brought about national integration in his own unique manner.  The competition was held at Sankaralayam, Chetpet on 8th August and 15 schools comprising of 171 students participated.

Adi Sankara Drama Competition

Students vividly portrayed Sankara’s early life, his renunciation, meeting his guru, his main disciples , his travel across the length and breadth of the country and captured the essence of some of his works with imagination.

Sankara Nursey & Primary school won the 1st prize ,with the second cash prize of going to Sankara Matric High schoolUrappakkam and 3rd prize shared between Sankara Vidyalaya Higher secondary school, Pammal and Kola Saraswati Vaishnav Senior secondary school, Kilpauk. In addition 2 special prizes were given to Bala Vidya Mandir, Gandhi ngr and Sushil Hari International school and special prizes to 11 outstanding individual performances.

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